So, today I went to a neighbours daughters wedding - we have been friends since the day we moved in, 23 yrs ago. Nice wedding, but here was the strange part of the day. I hubby and I were seated with two other women I used to know when they lived in the same neighbourhood, many years ago. They all kept in touch with each other. Pretty much neither of these women choose to keep in touch with me. Whatever! It made for a very uncomfortable day. Even though we were only there for 3 hours, it felt like 8! Other than the usual chit chat, what do you say? We were happy when the dancing part started, we watched for a few minutes and then left. I don't know if anyone else has ever been put in that situation, but I would never do that to anyone. When we had our daughters wedding, there was no seating arrangements, no one felt awkward. I would have rather been sitting alone, just the two of us and had a much better time. Oh well, just had to vent somewhere!
No knitting to report - I have been doing some crochet lately. Made a couple of granny squares for practice, really like the way they turned out. I am thinking of making more for a blanket.
Then I made a dishcloth
This was to get back into to the swing of crochet, I haven't done it in a couple of years and I joined a sampler square swapping group. I didn't want my work to look like crap, so the practice/refresh my fingers projects. I wish I had taken pictures of my JIC squares before I sent them off - I was quite happy with them. Oh well!