Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another one down.

My other fur baby had her Vet appointment today. Just like her sister, she needs to lose 2 lbs. Not much for us humans but a lot for kitties. Anyway, now she is not herself; it must be the shots??

I guess it is similar to your child getting their shots and they are out of it for a day or so. She has been sleeping for most of the evening. Except for dinner time - no shocker there!

More later...

Who says kitties don't lay on their back!


My little fur baby is back! I am so happy - she wanted to play fetch the ball. Yes people, she plays fetch like a dog. She is running around like a lunatic, getting into all kins of mischief. This is my little fur baby.

Today was a hard day at work. So many wanting a piece of me and not enough to go around. Ever have a day like that? Even though I start a nice 4 day weekend, I've brought my laptop home. I just want to get ahead and don't want to spend next week digging myself out of a hole. I can only hope my team doesn't mess anything up too bad.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Little fur baby...

I had to take my kitty to the Vet on Monday, her left eye looked like there was a sore. She had eye issues from the day we adopted her at our county shelter.

Well she has conjunctivitis and needs to have ointment placed on the sore for the next ten days. She is not happy - really not happy. She didn't like it when she was a wee one and it's twice as bad now.
Poor baby, she has been out of sorts. I don't know if her eye is bothering her or if it was her yearly shots - I just don't know. She isn't her usual playful self. Normally she will bug you all night long to play ball, she hasn't asked once. I feel so bad for her.
I take her sister to the Vet on Thursday I will ask him, if she is still the same.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

about clutter

There is a blog that I read regularly, tangled zen.  I can really relate to her post, about clutter

I too have been learning to attack clutter one space at a time, literally - one 12"x12" space at a time.  I have fallen back many times since I was given this assignment but there are places in my house that look so much better than they did.  See I have a slight problem with focusing and I easily get overwhelmed.  I look forward to the day when I have all of my 12x12 spaces un-cluttered.