Sunday, August 15, 2010

about clutter

There is a blog that I read regularly, tangled zen.  I can really relate to her post, about clutter

I too have been learning to attack clutter one space at a time, literally - one 12"x12" space at a time.  I have fallen back many times since I was given this assignment but there are places in my house that look so much better than they did.  See I have a slight problem with focusing and I easily get overwhelmed.  I look forward to the day when I have all of my 12x12 spaces un-cluttered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been too long since I visited your blog! Thanks for the shout out and wishing you good luck as you clear out your space. Just remember, one step at a time - do the "easy" stuff first...the garbage, the ugly, the "why do I even have this?" stuff. You'll feel so much better when you own (and your enjoy) your stuff and it doesn't own you!