So, what has been going on? A friend from 31 years contacted me! She moved to Wisconsin and I never heard from her again, until last month. She contacted me at Classmates. Wow - we were the best of buds - closer than sisters. We have been emailing each other and have talked on the phone a couple of times. It is nice to be reconnected with someone you have history with.
Thanksgiving was nice, a house full of kids - just the way I like it! Lots of good food and fun times.
Knitting? I have completed a gift for someone, who checks in every now and then, so I cannot say what it is. My hubby asked me to make him a hat - about 2" left before I can decrease - I wanted to get this done before it got to cold. To late for that! It is friggin' cold!
What else have I been up to? Well, I have been doing some sewing. I love to sew! I have made two holiday throws, two stockings, four pillows and I am working on a couple of table runners. Once the holidays are over, I am going to start working on the living room drapes - only about three years in the making. Hey, you have to let the fabric age just right! LOL
On the work front - I may have mentioned this before - my company is laying off the rest of my department at the end of the year. Well, they are keeping me on - kind of happy, kind of sad. I have watched my department go from a group of 30, down to one. My supervisor told me, you get to manage yourself - ha ha - not really amused by his statement.
Well, this is all I have for now - Hope you are listening/watching Elton John in Las Vegas! What fun music.