Anyway - here are a couple of pictures of the bag for your viewing enjoyment.

lining - this bag so matches her personality!
It really didn't take very long to make and I plan on making another one for me, (without the fuzz) very soon. I think I will use a different color - just need to decide. My favorite colors are black, purple, and pink. Seems a lot of my project center around these colors - I need to think out of the box here!
I want to try my hand at felting next - I purchased several hanks of 100% wool at the Va Fall Fiber Festival and am itching to use it! I was going to start it last night, but you know how that goes! I thought I could update my blog and then get to knitting...blogger was not being user friendly last night, gave up and then I was just to tired to start a new project. Tonight I will start working on it.
Well. I need to get ready for work - yippee.....(NOT!) Stress, stress, and more stress. As the days count down to my layoff - things there are, well....stressful! I have gone from a team of 30 down to 2, plus me. mind you, the work of 30 is still there. My laugh of the week so far -- "you need to pick up the pace" Ummm, ok, like there are 5 of you in NY working on this project in one system - there are well, 2 of us working on 2 systems here - sorry but, we cannot match your production folks! And so, I knit.......
hey there! Love the bAG!
Too Cute I love the bag!!
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