Wednesday, November 03, 2010

When did the Hippie look come back?

Now don't get me wrong - I was one a few when dinosaurs roamed the earth years ago. So when did they start coming back?  I have noticed lately the teen boys are sporting the long, long hair look.  The clothes some of them are wearing are also reminiscent of that era.  Is it just me?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great Lunch!

I had the greatest lunch hour at work today. I got a chair massage! the office building next to mine has a Massage therapist who comes in every other week. I haven't been doing anything to take care of me - so this was the perfect opportunity. It's a wonderful way to break up your workday. I suggest it for everyone!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Not enough hours

I'm sure everyone has said this, "There is not enough hours in the day"...

I could use a few more and today was no exception. Up at 5:30 am, at work by 8:00 am; don't even get me started about what needs to be done there!
 Leave work around 5:45 pm and run errands for my mother. Go to the nursing home to bring my mother her laundry and pick up yet more to wash. Her and her roomie wants to chat a while. Leave the home around 7:00 pm and home by 7:45 pm. Now I have a whole hour and a half to myself, sort of, until it's time for bed.
Cat's need food, I need food! (Yay, Cheerios again). Few minutes to try and catch up on the blogs I read. I'm not tired from all of this, at least not until I take my meds. I'm sure I mentioned this in a earlier post, I have Bi-polar so energy, most of the time, is not an issue.

Anyway - I purchased The FlyLady's book, Sink Reflections and I am going to get on the bandwagon and get this house into shape and make it a home. The holidays are fast approaching and it would be wonderful to not worry about how the place looks. I am realistic, I know it didn't take 3 months to get this way and it will take longer than 3 to get it into shape but any improvement is better than what I am looking at now.

You know I just realized the clutter issue has become the main topic in my blog. Need to add some fun posts in!

Anywho, this is enough ranting, venting, whining whatever you want to call it for now.

Until next time - Take Care.

Monday, September 13, 2010


To all those helpful hubby's out there... look and pick up stuff before you vacuum. These cleaning machines don't work so well with a foam cat ball stuck in the tube! Thanks for help babe.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Habits...or lack thereof

I've been following FLYLady for a few months now and you would think my house would be getting into a reasonable state by now. I'm trying and then, not really. Most of the time my sink is shiny, at least when I go to bed it is. I've got a couple of hot spots under control - maybe I am expecting too much from myself. But then again, I'm am not taking those baby steps the way I should. Even though she (flylady) says it's okay to be on one step for a while.  Getting into the habit of doing, is the challenge.

Yeah, I am expecting too much.

I have started posting my menu for the week, but here's what I have:

Monday - Don't remember
Tuesday - Spinach and Red Onion Quiche from Jillian Michael's cookbook.
Wednesday - Zucchini and Tomato Linguine with a Lemon-yogurt sauce again from Jillian!
Thursday - Chicken
Friday - Spaghetti and White Clam Sauce

That's all I have planned so far.

Until next time; take care.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


Sadness has crept up on me,  I felt it coming,  Lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.  Too many things to deal with - too much to think about.  Too much time alone to think.

Bipolar - you are not my friend.  I fight you everyday, every hour, every minute.  You won this round - but I will win next time.

I am tired now...

I need time to sleep.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

It's Official

I knew this day would come, my youngest and only son has bought his first car. He got his license a month ago and now the car. Mind you, he is 23 years old, but still...

Panic attack number one? Check

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another one down.

My other fur baby had her Vet appointment today. Just like her sister, she needs to lose 2 lbs. Not much for us humans but a lot for kitties. Anyway, now she is not herself; it must be the shots??

I guess it is similar to your child getting their shots and they are out of it for a day or so. She has been sleeping for most of the evening. Except for dinner time - no shocker there!

More later...

Who says kitties don't lay on their back!


My little fur baby is back! I am so happy - she wanted to play fetch the ball. Yes people, she plays fetch like a dog. She is running around like a lunatic, getting into all kins of mischief. This is my little fur baby.

Today was a hard day at work. So many wanting a piece of me and not enough to go around. Ever have a day like that? Even though I start a nice 4 day weekend, I've brought my laptop home. I just want to get ahead and don't want to spend next week digging myself out of a hole. I can only hope my team doesn't mess anything up too bad.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Little fur baby...

I had to take my kitty to the Vet on Monday, her left eye looked like there was a sore. She had eye issues from the day we adopted her at our county shelter.

Well she has conjunctivitis and needs to have ointment placed on the sore for the next ten days. She is not happy - really not happy. She didn't like it when she was a wee one and it's twice as bad now.
Poor baby, she has been out of sorts. I don't know if her eye is bothering her or if it was her yearly shots - I just don't know. She isn't her usual playful self. Normally she will bug you all night long to play ball, she hasn't asked once. I feel so bad for her.
I take her sister to the Vet on Thursday I will ask him, if she is still the same.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

about clutter

There is a blog that I read regularly, tangled zen.  I can really relate to her post, about clutter

I too have been learning to attack clutter one space at a time, literally - one 12"x12" space at a time.  I have fallen back many times since I was given this assignment but there are places in my house that look so much better than they did.  See I have a slight problem with focusing and I easily get overwhelmed.  I look forward to the day when I have all of my 12x12 spaces un-cluttered.

Monday, July 26, 2010

One more day

No power at work = I stay home one more day.  Now mind you, I did try to get some work done once IT got the systems up and running again; unfortunately 45 minutes later I had connection issues. 

I believe someone was telling me, "Hey why are you working? Take advantage of this time a relax"

So I spent my day catching up on blogs, emails and playing games on Face book.  

For dinner I made spaghetti with sweet Italian turkey sausage.  Instead of frying the sausage, I baked it.  It was much better and the seasonings in the sausage were more pronounced.  The added bonus - no greasy mess to clean up after!   I cooked it at 350 for 40 minutes and I think next time I'll increase the temp just a touch.

That's about it for now. 

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knock off the debt

I have tried for a while now to motivate myself into reducing my debt. "It hasn't happen yet but we're all really excited about it!" (Friends episode quote)

I feel I need to put it out there; to make it real. Bills come in, I pay them and don't really look at the larger picture. Never added the total amount owed, just the minimum amount due and the due date - I pay it and move on.

Well, I added and I stared and stared... O_O

Got to fix this!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Today's Horoscope..

It's not easy for you to be around others who lose their composure over unimportant things. But even if you feel like you're the one on an emotional rollercoaster, you probably have enough common sense to wait for a better moment to express yourself. When the moody Moon leaves your sign this afternoon, it may finally be time to say what's on your mind.

Sum's up my life these past couple of years. I don't think I will ever have the courage though to say what is on my mind. If I did - my world would change. And not in a good way.

Friday, July 09, 2010

A productive day

I had a productive day at work, which makes me happy. I felt like I accomplished something! When leaving for the day I think to myself, "what did you do today?" or "I didn't get done what I wanted to do" I know, I know - who does? But come on, really? I know if I could stay on task I would get more done. Hard to do when there are several voices in your head trying to talk a the same time.
Anyway - if I can tackle the clutter at work, (my daily tasks), I can tackle it at home.

Read just about anyone's blog that lives on the East Coast and there is going to be some reference to the heat we have had. I use to love the heat but with the onset of hot flashes, not so much. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am not taking Gabapentin anymore. Although it was for Anxiety it also helps with hot flashes. Since going off, they have gotten worse. I see my Dr in two weeks and I am going to ask her about it.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A new start...

Clutter and procrastination are my biggest and potentially curable of my challenges. The other issues, I need to learn to live with. Depression and Bipolar - stay on the meds and keep my appointments.

I am putting it out there, not that I have an audience, today is a New Start and I will win.

I have been following FlyLady for a while and trying to do as she suggests.  There has been some progress but I have a long way to go.  Many years of clutter will not disappear over night; I just have to convince myself.   

Friday, June 25, 2010

Weekend Sewing

This morning I was having a heck of a time finding a top, that fits, for work. Really wish I didn't like food as much as I do. *sigh

Well, I plan on sewing at least two tops this weekend. I am sure my staff is as tired as I am looking a the same tops over and over again. I still haven't gotten back to the top I talked about a couple of posts ago. Shocker!

This weekend - it will happen! I am looking at it this way. My oldest daughter asked me to go with her and her friend to see Twilight next weekend. So....I need to watch the first two so I know what the heck is going on. I am watching them this weekend. why not sew while I am watching? that is a good 4 hours of watching and sewing time. Since the first top is half way done, I can knock another one out. Maybe even a pair of shorts!
Tonight is planning, in the morning, cutting. Pictures to come.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 21, 2010

One less..

So tonight marks the last night, I hope, that I need to take one of my medications.  Gabapentin has been with me for 1 1/2 yrs.  While it is not the most expensive one I take, one less would be nice.  If all goes well I will have three left, two I may need forever.  It could be worse, so I am not complaining.
No sewing tonight - Monday night's are not productive for me.  I did go to Jo Ann's and purchased some stay tape.  I have never used it before, but it is supposed to help keep the fabric from stretching out of shape at the seams.  We shall see.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day 2010

Well, this Father's Day was a bit better than last year, still, it's not like it used to be.  Let me explain.  My biological father left when I was 2 weeks old.  I had "visits" here an there as I got older, but they weren't that great. I found out recently, he passed over 20 years ago.

 There was no father figure in my life other than my Grandfather and Uncles, but then again - I wasn't around them much either.

 My mother remarried when I was 16 - whoopee - yeah, no.  At the time, I despised this man. I couldn't wait to move out, I left as soon as I got out of high school.

 He mellowed over the years and we began to get along.  My mother developed polymyositis and I had to go to there place every weekend to help out.  That is when him and I, bonded.  His walking got harder for him and one day he decided it was too hard to walk - he sat down. That was the end of walking for him.  He ended up in the hospital, they discovered he has diabetes and they had to take one of his legs. A few weeks later, the other leg.  I went to the nursing home every day at lunch time - he hated the food.  I would bring him things I knew he would like.  We would chat and watch TV together.  Sometimes, when my husband worked late, I would go back after work and sit with him for a while.  He always had this painful look on his face when I said I had to get home.
Then one day, he gave up.  He stopped taking his med's, stopped eating.  I still went and this would be the only time he would eat, but I couldn't get him to take his med's.  One morning the nurses found him unresponsive and he was taken to the hospital.  He was fine for a couple of days.  Talking and cutting up with the nurses. One minute he was laughing, the next...his heart stopped.  They revived him several times - I got my mother to the hospital and 10 minutes later he was crashing again. I told her he wants to go, let him.  So, a couple of days before my mothers and my birthday, at the age of 6 - he was gone. 2008. Even though our relationship was tumultuous, I miss him.

    When I married at the ripe old age of 19, I  had a father figure, my father-in-law.  What a wonderful man, the dad I never had, I was in love.  We enjoyed many of the same things, gadgets, tools, cameras, the list goes on.  I learned a lot from him, I looked up to him, he was and I told father.  He passed on last year - May 23, 2009.  My hear still aches, I want to hear him again, joke with him, and laugh.

So Father's Day for me...  I really don't have any words to express it.  I am happy for my children; they have a father, he is their biological father, he is their Dadoo.  I made him a nice dinner tonight, but it's not the same while he is a father..  he's not mine.

If there is anyone reading my blog - I am sorry this was so long and depressing.  I had to get this out.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today was a good day

I had a game plan for today - I wrote it yesterday at work.  Okay that really odd for me because I am a fly by the seat of my pants kind of gal.  Thanks to FlyLady, I am slowly learning how to gain control of my home.  Hi, my name is Genia and I am a clutter bug!

What was even better, for the first time in a really long time, my hubby helped out!  I read him the game plan, we mapped out who was going to do what and in what order.  He doesn't do litter boxes or bird cages; so I did those first.  Slowing the clutter is disappearing from my home. It's been a up hill battle for me the past few years but I feel it is starting to level off.  It's wonderful what a good therapist and the right mix of medication can do.

Our two oldest children and their better half's came over for a while to spend time with their Dad.  It was a nice visit.

Tomorrow I am going to attempt to run a couple of errands early so I can be home before it gets super hot outside.  I think it is going to be around 93; that's too much for me when you mix it with humidity.

I want to finish sewing the top I started a month ago, maybe longer.  It is the Butterick by Connie Crawford # B5215 and the fabric is a chocolate brown knit.  If I can get the darn picture to load, you can have a peek.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Have you ever wondered.....

what would have happen if?

I turned left that day instead of right...

If I said No, instead of Yes...

If I walked away instead of staying...

I've heard it told that your life is exactly the way it is supposed to be.  It is all planned out for you and things that happen in your life, happen for a reason.  No matter what decisions you have made, you will end up, at the end, in the same place as was planned for you.

Do we carry our Karma with us from one life to the next, or do we start with a clean slate?

Yes, I am a firm believer in more than one life.  We keep moving forward, if we have done well.  Now I don't mean well in the sense of fame, money, etc. Doing well, to me, means - you have lived a pure life.  You have treated others well, gave without expecting anything in return.  You did random acts of kindness and have not done harm to any living creature.

Just a thought for today.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Well...I'm thinking of ditching this blog.  Start over?  Re-do this one?  Jump to another platform?  for some reason this one and the lack of ability to personalize it has left me bored with it.  Well duh..look at the last time I was here.  Well, then again, I wasn't here much at all.  I think I wasn't ready for the "blogger world" yet.  I know no one reads this, so I leave these words here while I ponder - what to do, what to do.