Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knock off the debt

I have tried for a while now to motivate myself into reducing my debt. "It hasn't happen yet but we're all really excited about it!" (Friends episode quote)

I feel I need to put it out there; to make it real. Bills come in, I pay them and don't really look at the larger picture. Never added the total amount owed, just the minimum amount due and the due date - I pay it and move on.

Well, I added and I stared and stared... O_O

Got to fix this!


Java said...

Been there...many times. At least you are acknowledging it...that's the first step! Take one thing at a'll get there!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my space - love the sheet slapping comment - made me laugh out loud, literally.

Debt - oh boy, do I know debt. I've been in some bad spots but have had some lucky breaks and things are now good. Sometimes life happens and it's hard to keep it that way but I'm committed to doing my best.

My best advice - pay more on the one you owe (or costs you) the most. Pay and pay and pay as much as you can (still pay the min. on the rest of course) and when that one is done - start with the next one. One step in front of the other - think tortoise not the hare.

Put yourself on a spending freeze too - especially while you are decluttering. It will help both your pocket book and your cleaning efforts - two birds with one stone!!

Good luck!