Friday, July 09, 2010

A productive day

I had a productive day at work, which makes me happy. I felt like I accomplished something! When leaving for the day I think to myself, "what did you do today?" or "I didn't get done what I wanted to do" I know, I know - who does? But come on, really? I know if I could stay on task I would get more done. Hard to do when there are several voices in your head trying to talk a the same time.
Anyway - if I can tackle the clutter at work, (my daily tasks), I can tackle it at home.

Read just about anyone's blog that lives on the East Coast and there is going to be some reference to the heat we have had. I use to love the heat but with the onset of hot flashes, not so much. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am not taking Gabapentin anymore. Although it was for Anxiety it also helps with hot flashes. Since going off, they have gotten worse. I see my Dr in two weeks and I am going to ask her about it.

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