Thursday, September 09, 2010

Habits...or lack thereof

I've been following FLYLady for a few months now and you would think my house would be getting into a reasonable state by now. I'm trying and then, not really. Most of the time my sink is shiny, at least when I go to bed it is. I've got a couple of hot spots under control - maybe I am expecting too much from myself. But then again, I'm am not taking those baby steps the way I should. Even though she (flylady) says it's okay to be on one step for a while.  Getting into the habit of doing, is the challenge.

Yeah, I am expecting too much.

I have started posting my menu for the week, but here's what I have:

Monday - Don't remember
Tuesday - Spinach and Red Onion Quiche from Jillian Michael's cookbook.
Wednesday - Zucchini and Tomato Linguine with a Lemon-yogurt sauce again from Jillian!
Thursday - Chicken
Friday - Spaghetti and White Clam Sauce

That's all I have planned so far.

Until next time; take care.

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